Monday, June 9, 2008


The start of hot days and light, fluffy reading. Mostly. Being lazy, so that I can actually return these to the library on time, and not looking up the little pictures of the book. Sorry for the lack of color and flair, for the 1 - 2 people who actually read this list.

Here's what I've read since the last time I made an update:

48. A Good Indian Wife
Indian moves to America, swears off arranged marriages (one of my Indian co-workers thoughts on arranged marriages - "they're crap"), and ends up in one anyone. Pretty good book and a nice break from chick lit, while still being light and easily digestible.

47. Cause Celeb
Ever wonder why you haven't heard of the first book by Helen Fielding, who wrote Bridget Jones' Diary? There might be a reason. I wouldn't recommend this - it was OK, but not as funny as I was expecting. But really, how funny can you make starvation in Africa? The answer, not as funny as Bridget Jone's diary.

46. There's No Place Like Here
Not my favorite of hers, but reasonably good to pass the time. If I wasn't counting the number of books I read, I might not have finished reading it though...

45. Remember Me?
Another cute summer read. I'm wondering if the TV show Samantha Who got the idea from this book - probably not, but it kinda reminds me of it (yes, I've seen at least one Samantha Who episode).

44. Good in Bed
Reread it in preparation for the next one (on advice from Stacy). I had forgotten how much I liked it. It's not your typical chick lit.

43. Rosie Dunne
Cute. Like her other books. Good, light summer reading.

42. Behind the Scenes at the Museum
I picked this one up from a display at the library. I think it was the book for one of the groups they run. It was... different. I think I liked it, but there were a lot of characters - I really needed a family tree to keep up. ANyway, if you're looknig for something...different, it's a good read.

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