Sometimes, I feel guilty for having late books, 'cause someone else is waiting for them. But such is life, I guess. At least they don't give out your name so that the people waiting for the books can call you. That would be bad...or the start of a chick lit novel. And by the way, look at the books I read. Do you really think that most people are really beating down the library doors for science fiction/fantasy. I don't think so.
So here are the books I've read recently, both from the library and my own books (when I had the urge to read, but was out of library books). I really shouldn't save them up, huh?
30. Quentins
Ok, at this point, I have a serious craving to go visit Ireland. I'm almost finished with another of her books, and I think I need to make a trip there at some point.
29. Scarlet Feather
Again, it all works out in the end.
28. The Glass Lake
Clearly, I'm on a tear here. Another good one. Which reminds me, I can't find Circle of Friends, but I know I owned it at one point.
27. Nights of Rain and Stars
Maeve Binchy books are like comfort food to me. And everything always works out at the end. Thank goodness.
26. Goodnight Nobody
Eh. It was ok - entertaining, but not as good as some of her other books.
25. Change of Heart
I enjoyed this, as I usually do with her books. My favorite is still My Sister's Keeper, but this was good too.
24. Swapping Lives
Another chick lit (I keep wanting to write check... another word I must type a lot) book. Entertaining - especially if you wonder if the grass is greener...
23. The Undomestic Goddess
Ah... chick lit. Like little fluffy peeps for my brain.
22. Atonement
Good book. Loved the end. Wonder if the movie is as good (it usually isn't)...
21. The Martian Chronicles
Classic science fiction.
20. The Dolphins of Pern

I always wondered what happened to the dolphins... and here it is.
19. Dragonseye
See #18.
18. The Skies of Pern

Good. Like the others. What else can I say? The end is near. I'm almost done with this series - and then what will I do?