17. All the Weyrs of Pern

I think this might have been the end of the series (chronologically - but I still have others to read). As with the others, I enjoyed it. I don't want to give away too much, so you'll have to read it, or ask me if you don't want to read it.
16. Term Limits

Stacy has been on this big kick of Vince Flynn books. Again (see comments above and those regarding #16), I needed some loaners, and this was one of them. I really enjoyed it, but tried to explain it to someone, and it didn't make sense, so if you like political thriller books (and can suspend your disbelief), then you should read it. I will warn you, I didn't like it for about the first 50 pages, then got into it.
15. The Dirty Girls Social Club

First, an aside. There are certain words I type regularly for work (like direct) that make it hard to type other words (apparently, like dirty, I guess because it starts with the same three letters, and my fingers think they know where to go from there). On to the rest... This was a loaner from Stacy (I needed something new to read, but couldn't go to the library, because I owe, and apparently, couldn't get the books into the list so that I could get more books). I think it's actually a loaner from Stacy's friend/co-worker (I could probably claim her as a friend as well, but I like to give context on how I know people). I enjoyed it - chit lit Latina style. It did make me think more about the various types of backgrounds that actually comprise the label Latina, and also about those friends you make that last through good/bad times. Though I don't know that I would always want friends as honest as these girls were (at times).
14. The Girl Who Heard Dragons

This is the book I was referencing below. I was confused (though now I understand the reviews I read), as this was not about another character in the series, but rather, a collection of short stories. They were all good, and some lended additional color to the Pern series (or other series of her's that I've read), but I'm generally not a fan of short stories. They end too soon, and as soon as I start to get into one, I have to move to a new topic. I'm usually left wanting to know more - what happened, what was next, etc.
13. The Chronicles of Pern

As I've mentioned before, I continue to read through this series. I've enjoyed most of them (see the comment on the Girl Who Heard Dragons), because Anne McCaffrey has really developed an entire history (a pretty long history - at least several hundred, but likely at least a thousand - but I can't remember right now) for a fictional planet. I admire her imagination and ability to create an entirely believable world.