12. Nerilka's Story

Another in Anne McCaffrey's series. I've mentioned before that I like this series, but here's another reason why. She's taken the history of this planet, and told it from multiple perspectives. It's interesting to see the same (or similar - sometimes there is a difference in the time period from book to book) scenes from different perspectives, or other things that were going on at the same time as another event that I already read about.
11. Fourth Comings

Final in the Jessica Darling series. I think I liked how it all ended, but I was a little surprised Stacy was happy with the ending.
10. Charmed Thirds

Third in the Jessica Darling series. Now I can finally read the fourth and final installment. I like reading series books one right after the other, so I don't forget things from book to book.
9. Break No Bones

I needed a book for a car ride, and this one worked well. It's the book series that the TV show Bones is based on. I like them - forensic anthropology/murder mystery. And not too much romance to interrupt the flow of the story. Have you ever noticed how they like to do that with mystery stories? I've never really understood why. If I want romance, I'll read chick lit. If I want mystery, don't interrupt with some mushy scenes.